
Okay after reading over what I posted last night, I've got to say I wrote down a lot of things and managed not to say what I wanted to say...Which can be summed up simply as, if you look for love, you'll never find it and when you stumble on it, cherish it whether its lasts a day a month, or years. Unless you dig a promiscuous lifestyle... Either way, relationships are chosen by the person and strong will can overcome hormonal imblalance...

There's also a sayin I often recite because its cool and its not always about the person, but also the timing. Right girl wrong time, or wrong girl right time, and then you have that moment when you meet the right girl at the right time and the rest becomes history...

The older ya get,The harder it is...

One thing I've noticed is that if you're single in your mid twenties, its a whole lot harder to meet people than it was in college. Now captain obvious would say, its a numbers game, there are simply more people around you in college with a somewhat similar goal all in one place. You either 1.) want to party 2.) want to graduate or 3.) mix the two. The thing is, after college, you run into folks who want to either settle down or live it up. Tis one of the great mysteries of life...

So I got talkin again with my single girlfriends and was talkin to them about relationships and how hard it is to meet the 'type' of person we usually go for. For instance, when meeting a girl at a bar or club there are some preconceived notions you just can't get away from. 1.) She still knows how to drink 2.) She there to let loose and have fun 3.) She's there to hook up. Now if you're a girl and you see a bunch of guys, I'm sure girls have preconceived notions about us like 1.) Dudes out to have a good time 2.) He's only there to hook up or 3.) those guys are losers, quit starin at us... Surprisingly these are one of the few social environments where lots of people still get together. Then ya ask urself, do I really wanna hook up with a chick or dude I met at a bar/club? My answer, Sure why not? Hooking up doesn't really have to mean doin the dirty dirty, just makin a new friends is cool... It's too bad that intro's at the clubs are usually preloaded though... I don't think relationships formed outta bars tend to work out cause; when ya met you were party animals and it gets a little depressing to think that you've become all domesticated...

Where else would ya be able to meet folks? The gym? The mall? The library? going back to school even though you've already graduated? I know it's pretty ghetto to look for love in those places, but I'm sure people still do and that there are still plenty of other places... They just tend to be more niche areas. The most frequent answer I hear though, is friends of friends... No preloaded introductiosn, no preconceived notions, just friends kickin it and hangin out. That's when you can really get to know someone with similiar interests. I tend to think those who have things in common will last a while, but even that isn't certain... As they say, bird of a feather flock together... But still, there are folks that like the random hookups... I'm not one to say diversity is a bad thing...

R & D with arvind...

Homosexuality is a touchy subject; gay footballers even more so.

When you consider that footballers are invariably looked upon as role models for children (for better or worse), many otherwise liberal and politically-correct parents would throw a fit if they found out their precious offspring was idolizing a baller sporting a chin-strap, and I’m not talking about Mr Cech.

There’s a time and place for being sensitive and to deal with issues in seriousness - but most of the time, football is just football - entertainment for those playing and entertainment for those watching. And if the entertainment turns into sexual innuendo, as any contact sport invariably does, then we’re on the front line cheering on the participants while pointing and laughing at the same time.

Enough talking - here’s a look at some of the less serious moments in football. Football is not gay, and footballers are usually not gay, but if there was a gay football team, would feel comfortable watching such photos of them?

40 Things to do before 40...

Came across this type of post somewhere and liked the idea.
Dont think I would be able to put 40 but will keep adding to it as and when I think of something ( suggstions always invited :) ).

1) Travel around the world.
2) Own a lamborghini , a limo and a ferrari.
3) Develop a new theory which revolutionizes the world of finance.
4) Find that someone who can make my day with a smile.
5) Own an island with an awesome beach.
6) Be a millionaire by 30.
7) Be a billionaire by 40.
8) Start my own company with a private equity division, a hedge fund devision and an M&A boutique.
9) Feature in Forbes.
10) Try every cuisine in the world.

btw...I let my imagination run wild in case u r wondering that its a bit too much...I agree with u :)
Of new year resolutions...

Its that time of the year when people start thinking about resolutions for the new year.
I have made resolutions in the past though not necessarily at the start of a new year. In most cases been lucky/disclined enough to keep them. One thing I always wanted to change about myself and resolved a lot about, couldn't be achieved. Change requires effort and I always somehow would give up.
However this time I'm gonna do it. Even at the cost of pain, effort or energy.
Not revealing here because I want people who know me to feel that change rather than being told about it. For those who dont know me, the updated version is probably gonna be better anyway, so why worry about the old one :)
We are just good friends...

If you've seen one of those chain mails describing what a "good friend" is to a would understand.
And since we've become quite accustomed to using Finance in understanding daily phenomenon, here's what my friend and I came up to explain this phenomenon:
"A good friend to a girl is one who pays the premium while she holds the call option!"
Screw you censorship...

the indian censor board is again up with gimmicks, this time fashion what the #$%^ (pardon my french)is wrong with them.

if someone makes an effort to stay awake till midnight to treat his hormones, why do these morons have to interfere."Worlds Sexiest Advertisements" was a fun program u treated it the same.

Now maharashtra Govt. claims CBSE sex education books are too graphic, I haven't read them but cannot see what harm can they do, show me one kid of 16 who does not have access to raunchy books.

there is a law that says
in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain

my dear censoship , you are just doing that to sex.