The older ya get,The harder it is...

One thing I've noticed is that if you're single in your mid twenties, its a whole lot harder to meet people than it was in college. Now captain obvious would say, its a numbers game, there are simply more people around you in college with a somewhat similar goal all in one place. You either 1.) want to party 2.) want to graduate or 3.) mix the two. The thing is, after college, you run into folks who want to either settle down or live it up. Tis one of the great mysteries of life...

So I got talkin again with my single girlfriends and was talkin to them about relationships and how hard it is to meet the 'type' of person we usually go for. For instance, when meeting a girl at a bar or club there are some preconceived notions you just can't get away from. 1.) She still knows how to drink 2.) She there to let loose and have fun 3.) She's there to hook up. Now if you're a girl and you see a bunch of guys, I'm sure girls have preconceived notions about us like 1.) Dudes out to have a good time 2.) He's only there to hook up or 3.) those guys are losers, quit starin at us... Surprisingly these are one of the few social environments where lots of people still get together. Then ya ask urself, do I really wanna hook up with a chick or dude I met at a bar/club? My answer, Sure why not? Hooking up doesn't really have to mean doin the dirty dirty, just makin a new friends is cool... It's too bad that intro's at the clubs are usually preloaded though... I don't think relationships formed outta bars tend to work out cause; when ya met you were party animals and it gets a little depressing to think that you've become all domesticated...

Where else would ya be able to meet folks? The gym? The mall? The library? going back to school even though you've already graduated? I know it's pretty ghetto to look for love in those places, but I'm sure people still do and that there are still plenty of other places... They just tend to be more niche areas. The most frequent answer I hear though, is friends of friends... No preloaded introductiosn, no preconceived notions, just friends kickin it and hangin out. That's when you can really get to know someone with similiar interests. I tend to think those who have things in common will last a while, but even that isn't certain... As they say, bird of a feather flock together... But still, there are folks that like the random hookups... I'm not one to say diversity is a bad thing...