Back in the Mix...

So recently I've been gettin into the whole groove of things, the dating scene, meetin new folks and that whole shabang. The whole courting phase is pretty fun and at the same time hectic. With round the clock work and a plethora of activities to do I'm finding it very hard to manage everything without some part of my life getting all out of whack.

The whole idea of dating is pretty cool... Getting to know someone (and their friends) better, exploring different places, and generally exposing oneself to different experiences. I find in my normal group of friends I tend to do the same things with them, but when goin out with new folks its a whole new world and a fun one at that. Some party hard, others work hard, and yet others do both hard (I'm still trying to figure out how those folks manage), but the sure thing is differnt people/groups do different things. It's exciting and very rejuvanting.

Then of course in the 'dating' scene its so hard to stay friends after you've deemed each other incompatible and then everything changes. Of course, most of the time ya stay friends but the communication dies down and then there are those few who cut you off and those who you have to cut off to make a point. There's nothin worse than a clingy desparate date! Exploring the sea continues... One always has to be optimistic that Mrs/Mr right is out there for everyone. It's just that magical moment where he/she deems you worthy for their kingdom. Then there are the relationships that pave the way to the final product. Players talk their way in but quickly leave, Infatuation is fun until you realize ur from different worlds, while Lovers can build an empire together.