World Cinema @ My Vision

I am a movie buff who always stick to movies that creates a deep impact on us. start with,I`m a GR8 GR8 fan of AL PACINO.The voice he has...folks,,, he rocks!!!I listen to blogs and websites that tells about the best part of world cinema.I have a keen interest in watching and getting to know about the movies that are considered greatest of all time and those that leaves a hard feeling in our heart. I don’t value films great by the way they do magic at the box office, but by the impact it creates on one and their ability to reach people ahead of age, language and culture.

This part of my blog is mainly to feed my inquisitiveness on the movies that are considered as global trend setters. At the international arena, today’s film market is dominated by hollywood where much importance is given to the technical aspects and special effects. My way of looking at movies is different. My thirst is on movies that are highly influential, that touches human emotions. What satisfies my thirst when i look in for a movie is the everlasting effect it creates in me.

Arguably movies made in Korea, Latin America, Iran, Italy stands out distinctly with global standards. What makes these movies to have such a distinct flavour? When noted incisively, such films indulge deep into heart and knocks up one’s feeling...