I have been secretly regretting deeply about something recently. No, its not my tattoo, but you are close, its actually about the location of my tattoo. It should have a been a little more higher up on my left shoulder joint, I have it on the arm now. I know there is no point in regretting about that since there is nothing I can do to erase or move it up from there, unless I am ready to spend a seventy thousand bucks on it, which I am not ready to. But I am trying to look at the bright side of it. I can make it look better by tattooing a little more just above it more closer to the shoulder joint. Actually there will be two good things about that bright side.
1) I can get some more tattoo, which is something I like.
2) I will have an explanation why I got one more tattoo when I have to explain to friends who do not understand why people get tattoo.
I just called up that tattoo guy yesterday. I would go there in a month or two, (well its not an urgency or priority, so it may lag again) but I have decided that I am not going to get that tattoo with the money from my salary, I am going to find another way to find a couple of grands over my salary to do it. I will update it here when I get it done, probably with a picture.